Chloé Lacan, singer-accordionist, begins with comedian's training in 1994 and gets involved in several plays. In 1996, she falls in love with an accordion and does not leave it any more. During ten years she plays, sings and composes within the band : "La Crevette d'Acier" which plays everywhere in France and releases 2 albums. Since 2008, she plays solo. In her show, she is song writer, singer, accordionist and pianist. She likes the mixture of genres, carelessly singing like a Diva, a rock singer or a clown, she invites the audience for a trip full of humor and poetry through jazz, gypsy, opera and even disco music. Her "Plaisirs Solitaires" ( Solitary Pleasures ou Lonesome Pleasures???) is a joyful and intimate song recital.